Let’s go to Africa . . . not!

Today is the day we flight to Seneg­al, or at least we tried to! 

The day starts with a prop­er Ger­man break­fast, no hurry — our flight is at 12:50 — and around 11 we are already in the U-Bahn wait­ing our train.

Waiting for the train to the airport
Wait­ing for the train to the airport

Once at Schöne­feld, it is imme­di­ately clear that some­thing is wrong: at the check-in entrance there is a huge queue of clue­less people, dot­ted by the yel­low jack­ets of the air­port per­son­nel. We ask some of the lat­ter about the situ­ation, but without par­tic­u­lar suc­cess. Thanks to the magic of The Inter­webs we even­tu­ally dis­cov­er that in the morn­ing there has been an acci­dent involving a small private plane, and that — appar­ently — the air­port is now closed, des­pite the hun­dreds of people wait­ing to their flight.

After around an hour spent look­ing for inform­a­tion, the speak­er says that our flight is embark­ing (yes, embark­ing) at gate 5. We put on our best smile and jumped dir­ectly through the queue to the check-in coun­ters. There we reg­u­larly got our board­ing cards and everything seemed to be work­ing again.

On the way to Tegel
On the way to Tegel
The safety car driving us to the plane
The safety car driv­ing us to the plane

It was obvi­ously just an illu­sion, because out of the gate we found a bus who drove us to Tegel, the oth­er Ber­lin air­port. Col­lect­ing inform­a­tion from oth­er pas­sen­gers and the Inter­net, we real­ised that the plane from the morn­ing acci­dent was still on the land­ing strip, thus no flight could land or take off from Schönefeld.

Once at Tegel, we went dir­ectly ((Dir­ectly for so to speak, because they for­got to tell the gate oper­at­or at Tegel that we were arriv­ing, so we waited in the bus in front of the gate for half an hour)) to our plane, with safety car and all. At the plane we found the Police wait­ing for us, but we embarked hap­pily and without fur­ther delay.

The English language is quite a compact one: check the different length with the Portuguese
The Eng­lish lan­guage is quite a com­pact one: check the dif­fer­ent length with the Portuguese

So the delu­sion was great when the chief-host­ess told us that we should all dis­em­bark with our hand-lug­gage and everything. Once down, the police made us go back into the buses and they drove us to the secur­ity check inside the air­port. Again. 

Get­ting bits and pieces of inform­a­tion from the driver radio and from people speak­ing through the bus’ win­dow, it seemed that some­how we got on board an extra piece of lug­gage, unac­coun­ted for. Any way, we all went run­ning through the whole air­port, and through the secur­ity check, and back to air­port bus, who made a round-trip of the lanes, and dropped us back to the lug­gage-claim area.


The passengers and the police out of the plane
The pas­sen­gers and the police out of the plane

Even­tu­ally a woman from the air­port went and told us that it was not pos­sible to flight today, because the pilot was not allowed to have anoth­er flight after all that time. Note that this was the very first offi­cial piece of inform­a­tion since the morn­ing. And it was already 7 PM.

We left our already-checked-in-lug­gage there and went sadly home. Tomor­row we try again, stay tuned!

My backpack waiting for me
My back­pack wait­ing for me

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