Stop TTIP now!
More info in this video. Just the fact that the negotiations are secret should be alarming enough. This is serious: tell your representative in the EU Parliament what you think about it.
Twenty years later
È l’isola! ((Sgt. Lorusso, isola del Mediterraneo che non conta un cazzo, 1941)) As in the 1991 film ((Salvatores’ Mediterraneo.)), we all wanted to experience life in a small island. It was the summer of 1993, we arrived here because at the time it was an almost deserted island, totally unsuited for mass-tourism — just one derelict camping,…
Do you remember?
Waiting for comments ((You know who you are.)), and I could use a scanned photo too ;-)
Discover Amorgós
Pictures from Le grand bleu. [sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/201309-Amorgos.gpx”]
Old friends #2
Berlin is like Venice: you just wait there and all of your friends will come to visit you ;-)