
Der grüne Bereich is where I put ran­dom thoughts, notes, sketches and mostly pho­tos from my stay in Berlin. 

I use the Twenty-Twentyt­wo Word­Press tem­plate, with (almost) no changes.

2 responses to “About”

  1. To Joanne Easton:

    Just to tell you that I have your “Lord of the Flies” copy. I think I found it in the Hostel Inn (Iguazu, Argen­tina), but I am not sure, I just noted the web­site now in 2012 (!). Well, I do the same kind of stuff to my guide­books, some of them star­ted in South East Asia and are now in the hands of a good lad from Dubai. So your book has been read and hap­pily sits in my place in Buenos Aires. Cheers from Argentina.


  2. Ok, here we have “some­thing”: I don’t know who is Joanne East­on, but if you are here it means that you read the same book I bought in a second hand book store in Broome, Aus­tralia, and left in a hostel room in Rotorua, New Zea­l­and, after writ­ing, as usu­al, my email and web address on the first page.

    So far so good. You are the first one to actu­ally write me back. But, of all the coin­cid­ences in this world, can it be that my book hap­pily sits in this place in Buenos Aires?

    I am so writ­ing an art­icle about that! :-)

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