Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung, anyone?

After a month in my new beau­ti­ful home, I even­tu­ally gave up and acknow­ledged that I will not be learn­ing Ger­man by myself. 

I went for the stand­ard path: go to a school, take a course. Fol­low­ing the recom­mend­a­tion of many, I decided for the Volk­shoch­schule, and checked their web­site. Ger­man-only. And no, Google trans­late is not of much help.

I went phys­ic­ally to the school — these days this is some­thing bizarre, walk­ing to the place instead of doing everything online? — and using my close-to-null Ger­man ((That is, basic­ally, ‘Ein Bier, bitte’, ‘Wo ist deine Schwest­er?’ and ‘Karl-Heinz Rum­menigge’.)) I man­aged to get dir­ec­tions to the actu­al lan­guage branch ((That explains a few things: in my head, the whole school was a lan­guage school, thus mak­ing the Ger­man-only web­site a bit too extreme. Instead, they teach pretty much every sub­ject, silly me!)) and join the queue («snake», in Ger­man) of mul­ti­col­oured anti multi-aged people wait­ing for information.

Well, once inside, I did a quick Ger­man test, and the teach­er told me (in Eng­lish) the doc­u­ments I needed for the regis­tra­tion. That was basic­ally one: the Freizügig­keits­bescheinigung.

I get this all of the time: how am I sup­posed to get a grip on this lan­guage if the words are, like, 40 syl­lables long?

The next day was me in the U-Bahn going to the Bür­geramt ((That Google trans­lates in Itali­an either as «civica uffi­cio» or «Bür­geramt» depend­ing on the cap­it­al let­ter.)) and try­ing to read, let alone mem­or­ise, the 27-let­ter-word describ­ing the paper I needed.

Any way, all went good, and I have to add that — des­pite Ger­man people con­stantly com­plain­ing about their bur­eau­cracy — I was sur­prised by the speed of the pro­cess. The lady at the civic centre dis­covered that I was not registered in Ber­lin — I didn’t know it was com­puls­ory! — and so she did my Anmel­dung ((Regis­tra­tion.)) as well. Total time, exclud­ing the «snake», of course: 5 to 10 minutes ((Most of the time was indeed used by the Bür­geramt employ­ee try­ing to spell my name and my birthplace.)).

Now I am offi­cially a Ber­lin citizen. 

And, fol­low­ing this oth­er post, here you have the fore­cast for the next few days. Quite a dif­fer­ent one.

Weather forecast for Berlin
Weath­er update for the next few days

By the way, I dis­covered days later that the Freizü­gigkeits­bes­chain­i­gung is a cer­ti­fic­ate of free move­ment of cit­izens of the European Union.

4 responses to “Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung, anyone?”

  1. quindi sei diventato un CRUCCO?!?!?…;)

    Beh, dai… sempre meglio che stare in “itaglia”
    con­tinua così, che tra un po’ emigri­amo tutti da te!!!

  2. Ecco, bravo. Qui un piatto di Kar­tof­felsuppe non lo si nega a nessuno.

    Port­ati un magli­one: oggi a mezzogiorno -4 °C. In discesa.

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