Un bicchiere da tenere in inverno
Giardino di delizie
Nella vecchia cooperativa agricola
Norma ha scelto di essere sorda
Cap Skirring
Here the pictures from the days in Cap Skirring! [sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/20130220-23-CapSkirring.gpx”]
Was brauchst du?
Today I was in Kreuzberg and right on the pole where my bike was waiting I noticed this brilliant ad.
Breathing History in Mitteleuropa
Tired of the icy rain in my beloved Berlin, I eventually managed to be on the road again!
Politically correctness, anyone?
My not-so-secret source of Internet wisdom pointed me to another pearl that I am going to share with you, my beloved followers.
Kunst Aufräumen
Looking at this gallery, I noticed that the pictures were not photoshopped.
Blu Klein
And here is number two :-)
Quadro nero
I’ve been asked for this one, so here you go!